Please see below a list of our most popular questions. If you question is not listed or would like further information please contact us.
1. Where can I purchase the Spare parts for my Sprayer?
Spare parts and accessories are available and in stock from us here at Solo Sprayers – please feel free to give us a call and we can advise on pricing and which parts / accessories you need.
2. Where can I get accessories for my sprayer?
All accessories are available and in stock from us here at Solo Sprayers – please feel free to give us a call and we can advise on pricing and which parts / accessories you need.
3. My Sprayer is not pressurizing well
If your sprayer is not gaining pressure when you pump the handle as it did previously there may be many reasons for this – please feel free to call our technical team here at Solo Sprayers and we will be able to advise and solve the issues.
4. My nozzle doesn’t spray like it did when I first purchased the sprayer. How can I improve it?
If your sprayer is not spraying correctly when you use it as it did previously there may be many reasons for this – please feel free to call our technical team here at Solo Sprayers and we will be able to advise and solve the issues.
5. Which sprayer should I chose for a specific product?
Please see attached chemical compatibility chart – if still unsure then please give us a call.
7. What can I do if liquid is coming up through the top of the pump unit?
If there is liquid leaking from your sprayer there may be many reasons for this – please feel free to call us at Solo and we can advise you and help resolve the issues.
8. The sprayer continues to spray after the trigger lever has been shut off. How I solve it?
The Sprayer continues to spray after the trigger lever has been released there may be many reasons for this – please feel free to call is at Solo and we can advise you and help resolve the issues.
9. My control valve doesn’t shut off.
The Sprayer control valve does not shut off there may be many reason for this – please feel free to call us at Solo Sprayers and we can advise you and help resolve the issues.